Date Countdown Apps using Shiny for Python

Personalized Event and Birthday Countdowns

Sam Parmar
2 min readJun 21, 2023
dispicible me countdown gif

Alright, let’s keep it short. Shiny for Python is a Python library that lets you build cool apps in Python. Shinylive lets you Shiny for Python apps entirely in the web browser. What’s nice is that you can even pull live data from your Google Spreadsheets that you’ve made public into your Shinylive apps.

Here are two examples (see repo link below). One’s a birthday countdown app with a slider for upcoming birthdays and a search bar to quickly find someone’s day. The other’s an event countdown app, listing what’s coming up and allowing event name searches.

Birthday countdown app with days remaining text output

Want to learn more? Check out the link below to dive into Shiny for Python. Think of your own simple project that can use the library. This one took me about an hour or two after work. The documentation on the official website is great with tons of examples.



Sam Parmar
Sam Parmar

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