More time-saving R packages
2 min readMar 15, 2023
Hey there! This is a short post to quickly share some awesome R packages that I started using this year. They’re helpful for a few common situations.
- {breakerofchains} — — Huge time saver when you’re piping through a chain of functions (using magrittr pipe or the R pipe) and need to debug your chain.
- {beepr} — — Used to generate sounds for errors/messages and other events in my RStudio IDE. I have this setup in my dotfiles. Nice to get audio feedback when something doesn’t working as expected or is complete.
- {paint} — — My new default for printing dataframes in the R console. Colorizes the console. Makes it easier to read unique printed categories.
- {datapasta} — — Useful for copying and pasting data into the R script window as a tibble.
- {styler} — — Beautifies my code to match tidyverse style guide. Saves time when I don’t want to manually address spacing.
Note: Several of these packages are from Miles McBain and have been great additions to my RStudio toolbox. Check out his Github and give him a follow. This post is a follow up to these two previous posts: