Contributions to Open Source Projects in 2022

a short reflection on contributing to open source

Sam Parmar
3 min readDec 18, 2022

I read Don Jones’ Own Your Tech Career book this year and one of his suggestions about being part of a technology community stuck with me. It was something along the lines of: “Don’t be a parasite. Find a way to contribute.” Originally, I had a mindset that I didn’t know enough or wasn’t skilled enough to contribute. Reading that chapter helped me realize that I needed to broaden my scope and understand just because my contribution won’t be valuable to me (at the time) doesn’t mean it won’t be valuable to others. Here’s a reflection on some open source projects created by others in the R community that I contributed to this year. Looking forward to doing a lot more next year.

I joined the RWeekly curation team in May of this year. Many thanks to Eric Nantz for guiding me on my first issue.

{designer} did it first before {shinyuieditor}. Haha. Both are great. I found out about designer while working on an RWeekly issue and decided to contribute to the project. Submitted a few issues and a PRs.

{targets} is amazing. Contributing to {targetsketch} was a great way to learn more about the package it’s based around. It was also great to get some tips from the original developer.

Saw this function after I had a similar idea, so I decided to contribute. Made a few enhancements to the package that I wanted to try out.

Currently working on this. Did my first PR for a simple issue a few weeks back.

Mainly helped with documentation and a few bug fixes for this one. One of my bug fixes helped get it onto ROpenSci.



Sam Parmar
Sam Parmar

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