Using Distill in R Markdown to Start a Blog 🏗️
Quick steps to start a Blog in R
1 min readDec 17, 2020
I previously read this RStudio blog post on the Distill package earlier this month. The aesthetic and features were impressive to me (particularly site-wide search). Had some time to try it out today. Here are the short and simple steps I took to start a blog using Distill.
Note: this article assumes you have some prior experience with R Markdown. Skim over this book to learn more about R Markdown.
- Skimmed the official website for Distill and page on creating a blog.
- Installed the package:
- Opened a New Project in RStudio to start a new Distill Blog. See official page for screenshot.
- Knit the R markdown files to see how the default looked.
- Adjusted R markdown files as needed (added icons, added first post, and updated about tab). Knit files again.
- Pushed the _site sub-directory files produced after Knitting to my blog repo on Github. Repo should be setup to publish onto Github Pages in repo settings.
- Done! Blog updated.
Simple as that. Here is what it looks like right now. Hope this is helpful.