What to ask? 13 essential questions to gain some direction
These questions are meant to be asked throughout the day or week to gain direction and ensure deliberate, sustained focus on what matters.
What is important now (WIN)?
Learned from Greg McKweon’s book called Essentialism. This question helped me realize the importance of a rich bank of guiding questions for life and business. It led me down this rabbit hole of questions that can deliver similar impact.
What is the function/purpose?
Going into a conversation, project, or event; this can help keep things in context. Ask yourself prior and periodically recall your answer during. The point is to be intentional and be in alignment with the function or purpose.
Am I focusing on the now?
Focusing on the past or future can obscure what is going on now.
How do I feel right now?
Emotions guide decision making.
Do I actually understand?
Most people think they do, but don’t trust that. It’s a trap. Be honest. In turn, ask yourself where the gaps in your understanding are.
How is my environment affecting my behavior?
Shitty environment -> shitty response
Where am I headed?
Knowing the direction you’re moving towards is useful to periodically think on. This can be a product of your environment and circle of friends.
Have I had enough time to think?
Taking a step back to give yourself time to think is essential.
What do I want to do?
For when are drawing a blank on what to do next.
What am I waiting for?
Cure to procrastination.
How well am I listening?
Be less of a selfish asshole. Ongoing process.
How much time has elapsed and how much time do I have left?
Human lifespan is finite. Assume there is no afterlife. Good to know how much time you’re spending on an activity.
What is my motivation?
This could be taking care of loved ones or for your future children. These are the factors that fuel you to keep going or get after it.